Tatliakova chata and Liptov

Asked by friends to join them hiking in Tatras, there’s no other than positive answer. Although the weather forecast looked dangerous, based on the advice of some more experienced, we got ready early morning on Thursday the 24th of June.

Starting at Ziarska dolina we soon reached Ziarska chata, where a decision had to be taken.  A group of 5, let’s say those having more energy to burn, went for the “chain track” above Banikov (2178 m) and Tri Kopy towards Smutne sedlo. The rest of us, we 2 and Tomas – who can enjoy the mountains also in relaxed way – went directly to Smutne sedlo. Continuing to Tatliakova chata, we stop by wonderful Rohacske pleso for some prohibited bathing 😊. The next day, on the way back, we decided to split again on Smutne sedlo. A half of us went to reach Placlivo (2125 m), while the rest took a straight downhill track.  Afterwards during the evening, we degusted some tasty barbeque .. and yes.. also party a bit 😉 So the other day – on Saturday, we just managed sunbathing on Liptovska Mara. Finally for Sunday we took  a recommended easy track from Demanovska jaskyna to Krakova Hola (1752 m) with lots of bear prints back to Lucky.

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