When we got up in Kompas hotel of Aalborg, we knew exactly where we are going to. During the breakfast, we also decided to come back and oversleep in the same room. So, we just jumped into the car and drove away, as the Danish north awaited us.
In some half an hour, we made a first stop by Voergaard Castle – an art venue, renaissance manor house from 1481, which is surrounded by a water dike, and lovely old trees.
Back on the road again, the next break was to see the Tilsandede Kirke. As its name says, it’s sand-covered church. And we confirm, it’s already partially buried by the sand of the dunes. Only it’s Tower is still visible above the sand nowadays. Unexpectedly active bees chase as back to the car.
In few minutes afterwards, we reached Skagen. The northernmost town in Denmark, laying on east coast of Jutland, has a significant flair. That’s the reason, we spent some time in there, enjoying the walks in the centre, by the harbour and a delicious late lunch in Fiskerestaurant.
From Skagen it’s still few additional minutes to reach a parking-site by Grenen. But finally, Grenen (the Branch in English) is the northernmost point of Denmark, a very popular spot for tourists, where the Baltic Sea meets the North Sea. Spectacular show by nature!!
A bit late, we were heading backwards by the west coast. Somewhere there we stopped for a picture with a typical Danish windmill.
Really late – btw., you know the sun goes down later in the north – we reached the parking place by the legendary Rubjerg Knude. This is an old lighthouse, on a massive sand dune, which has already been moved by 70 meters from the coast to keep it standing for next years. One of the most picturesque scenery, in Denmark definitely!! No wonder a group of young Germans dressed in costumes produce some clips there.
The last stop of this valuable and in interesting day was a night walk in Lokken and its beachside. The last picture was taken at 23:22 and we surely arrived to Aalborg after the midnight.